Sunday, September 26, 2010


Hey Everybody,

I know I havn't written on here for a long, long, long time... but, I have alot to talk about so lets get started... First, I have started with makeup and I am really good at it I will post some pictures if you want just leave a comment and request them you can request pictures of... lipstick, lipgloss, blush, facial products, eye shadows (single or quads), or nail polish ok so that is that. Next I have started my year of 5th grade!! I am so happy I am almost in middle school (one reason I can wear makeup there) so I am really happy and the best part is... no weird boys like last year so... YAY!!! Next is I am painting my nails more often I try to paint them to match as many alfits as I can but it is hard so ya. Next is I made new friends at school and one of them moved back to her old school 2 weeks into the school year me and my other freind were so upset :(. Next is we have finally settled into our new home and I am so exited, BUT... we will be moving at the end of the school year and not just to a new home but... TO A NEW STATE!!!!!! I really don't want to but we might have to so ya. So that is pretty much it. I promis I will be writing on here more often so if I were you I would check her like every 2 days so ya thank you guys so much for being here and supporting me and if you have any comments or you want me to check out your site leave them in the comments below and I promise I will respond within 2 days thank you guys and have a nice day... BYE!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Long Time No Write!

Hey everybody I know it has been a long time since i am writen on this blog but i have been busy with other blogs, swimming, shopping, and since it is summer... sleep overs! So as you can tell I reallt haven't had the time. But if you wanna visit my other blogs one is and the other is so I have to keep up to date with those blogs cause they are newer. But for now on I am gonna be trying to write on all of my blogs. And as I have told you guys I have moved so I now have a swimming pool and I will be there alot and alot of my sleep overs end in disasters so I will definetly be telling you about that and well that is it. I am starting a new school this year! I am really not happy cause I am starting another school and I don't know anybody their! The last 2 schools I have been to I really wasn't so scared because I knew at least 1 persn there but not this time... I am gonna be lonely! :{ So wish me luck. I am also very busy with a club I started to help animals in need and I just want to say everyone that reads this should be against animal abuse! And if you dont I hate you!!!! Thats all that has been happining lately so I will write again soon ( maby ) BYE!

Monday, June 14, 2010

My Friend

Hey bloggers,

Hey guys whats up? My frind has a new blog too it is also about celeb gossip the URL is ok please join thank you!

NEW BLOG!!!!!!!

Hey everybody,

Well as you know I love to blog and as you don't know I also love gossip! Well I combined those two things and I came up with... Another blog!!! The URL is it is all on celeb gossip. Please follow on my blog, and if you are a follower on this blog become a follower on my other blog too thank you for giving me the encoragement to do this!

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Hey whats up bloggers, as you all know i told you I was moving and well... I moved! About a month ago haha. Well if you have any edvise on how I can deal with a neighbor that is my friend but tries to fart on me and is discusting so if you have any idea on how I can get back at her please leave a coment... thank you.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Hey bloggers,

Whats happining with you? Well with me everything is fine, exept... MY PARENTS WONT TAKE ME SWIMMING!!!! If you live in NV it is a crime not to swim whenever you have the oppertunity! Other than that everything is great... Ever since I moved to a new house everything has changed I mean... my habits have changed. It is so wierd I guess my life is starting to straitin out. I am worried that I have no readers, because I rarly ever have comments. If their is no one reading than I will stop writing... it just takes up time. I have decided to stop ending my blogs with " write again soon bye" so for now on I will leave a question or just kinda a mistery. Me and my friend are like spies (sorry if I spelled spies wrong.) Their is a bush outside of my house and their are little white things on it and my friend (and grandma) thought they were flowwer buds, well... the stuff that was actually on the bushes was a foam kinda stuff that feels like spit me and my friend took a sample. Any idea what it is?

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Hey guys!

Whats up people,

Hey everybody. I just moved their is a comunity pool here too and it is warm out so swim, swim, swim! I am having a blast, but I moved away from my friend and her sister but I moved next to so many of my new friends. Well nothing new, I am going to a new school next year so... well... BLA!!!!! Well that is it write again soon bye.

Monday, April 26, 2010


Hey bloggers,

Whats up bloggers? I am not going to delete my account I just wanted to see if I have fans. Here are some of the upcoming events in my life... I am moving on Saturday, it is almost the end of the forth grade so tons of testing is about to comence, and I am about to start guitar classes. Well thats it I promise I will get to write again soon it has been a crazy week lately so bye.


Good-bye bloggers,

I never thought it would come to this... After 39 messages... After about 4 months... I can't believe I am doing this... I am... Deleting my blog! I didn't want to have to do this but nobody ever ( well smetimes) comments and I only have 2 followers if anyone doesn't want me to delete my account comment. If nobody comments I will delete my account in 3 days. Good-bye!

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Hey bloggers,

Whats up guys? I wanted to ask you if I should delete my blog and never blog again I mean I only have 2 followers and I never get any messages from people well some but not alot if you guys don't want me to delete my blog tell me. I have to go ow ok Bye.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Hey bloggers,

Whats up people? I forgot to tell you that the cat that used to come around our neighborhood dosn't come out anymore because the owner probably saw the LOST posters I put up and kept the cat in so theres the end of that. I wanted to say this guy that commented on one of you blogs told me he wanted me to visit his blog and he draws amazing! His URL is check it out ok thank you guys for being followers of my site I really apreciate it well bye talk to you tomorrow.

Friday, April 16, 2010


Hey guys,

Whats up guys? Today at school was normal well... we had fun Friday today because we had a substitute so we all got to do it I was so happy. Other that that I didn't have anything els to talk about. I have tons of homework to do cause I was absent yesterday. Well I have to go now write again soon bye.


Hey people,

Whats up guys? Did you write those rules I told you last night down? I didn't go to school yet because it is only 7:17 a.m. here. Since I didn't go to school I can't write about school so I will write about other things... um... How about video games! Have you guys ever played cubis, bejewled, or bejewled twist they are all amaing games that are fun and adicting. Wel anyways back to earth. I have to go eat breakfast now so I will write about school after school haha bye.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Hey everybody,

I am starting a club for raising money to give to dogs in need and i want to tell you guys alittle tips on what you can do to stop animal cruelty,

1.Set up a little found and save money and give that money to charity's for dogs and animals.

2.If you are a girl and you buy make up make sure it is not tested on animals and if it is don't buy it!

3.Don't ever use real fur because animals have to suffer just for you to look cool thats not right.

4.Whenever you see a stray animal (with parental permission) call a no kill shelter (you can look up the phone number for them online.)

Those are simple things you can do to help animals. And the most important rule of all is never say one person can change the wold cause your rong. I'll write again tomorrow bye.

Monday, March 15, 2010


Hey bloggers,

I know I know I havn't been on in about a month. But... Since then these are the things that have happened...

1.My Birthday

2.I have talked to my friend and my old neighbors that moved

3.I did my famous americans project (I shaked the whole time I was reading it)

4.We found a cat that comes around our neighborhood (not sure if it is stray or not)

So ya alot well maby not alot. I finally decided where to have me birthday like 3 weeks before my birthday. Guess where... Cristal Palace roler skating ring i loved it but some older dude kept tripping us. So thats pretty much it i will write again on Saturday ok.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

My Day

Hey bloggers,

Whats up people I am having a blast working on my famous americans report... not. This is really boring I hate this well how are you guys comment I havn't been getting any comments and I am getting worried you arent going on and I am loosing you.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

My day

Hey bloggers,

Whats up people. I have a cold I have been home sick for the last 2 days. So I really just want to go to school tomorrow. Its is almost famous american time and I havn't evan started yet ugggg! I am in soooooo much trouble this is a big part of my grade. Anyways thats all write again soon.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

my day

Hello bloggers,

Hey whats up sorry it has been a while since my last blog I have been busy with famouse americans report. (So nurvous) Anyways I wanted to tell you guys that my birthday is coming in march (can't tell day) but I am so exited. I finally found out where I am having it... Lazer quest. Anyways thats all for today bye.

P.S. My email is if anyone wants to ask me questions I will answer them personally.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


I can't believe the saints won !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hoped for the colts.

My day

Hey bloggers,

Ok so I was on and my friend showed me this game called belly flop hero you guys have to try it. INSTRUCTIONS: 1. go to
2. when you get there look on the left hand side and click
on fun.
3. look for belly flop hero
4. click on it
5. have fun!

Hope you guys like the game I tried to put it on the site but I am having problems anywyas enjoy.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My day

Hey bloggers,

Hey people whats up just to tell you for now on I wont be checking my blog every day every 2 to 3 days. Anyways today we had our speech meet I lost of course. A speech meet is where your teacher gives you a certain amount of days to memorize a poem and you have to say it is front of the class. We had to do "The Secret of Happiness" by: Helen Steiner Rice. It was easy but when you get up in front of the class is gets harder. The good thing is we got a participation grade so I got 100%! Anyways thats all write again soon bye.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

My day

Hey bloggers,

Its been a while I know but I have been so so busy. I have so much to take care of its not even funny. I know I am a kid and all but some things depend on me. Other things I just have tosit back and watch. Anyways just to tell you I got off at 11:15 P.M. on Friday. It was so cool my friends picked me up and we first went to McDonalds, then we went to the zoo and aftr that we went to there house it was so fun. Anyways thats mainly what happened so write again tomorrow bye.

Monday, January 25, 2010


Hey bloggers,

Doing homework ( I am sneaking on again) anyways today was kinda good I wasn't feeling good so I left at 2:00 P.M. So that was good. I couldn't eat my lunch because it smelt and tasted like rubber. I am doing my spelling definitions so I have to go. I want you guys to do me a favor you guys write to me telling me your day anyways write again soon bye.

P.S. any idea's where I should have my b-day party?

Sunday, January 24, 2010

My day

Hey bloggers,

Today was casual. I didn't go to church I stayed home with my dad. I mainly just sat did school work, computer, and TV. Anyways I have to go I am sneaking to talk to you so bye.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

My day

Hey bloggers,

Today was so boring I had alot to do for makeup work. SOOOOOO! Nothing really happened today we had to eat in today and spend reccess in too. It was boring anyways write again tomorrow bye.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My day

Hey bloggers,

Sorry I didn't write yesterday I am grounded but nothing happened yesterday. I am still grounded but I snuck on to talk to you guys. Anyways today was fine at reccess we played dodge ball it was awsome! Anyways thats all write again soon bye.

Monday, January 18, 2010

My day

Hey bloggers,

I know it is kinda early but I wanted to write now. I was being nice and I just made my friend a blog and she wrote something insulting about me on it! Anyways I am bored she wants me to do everything her ways so I am doing it back. I wish she was nicer. Anyways I have to go now so bye write again tomorrow bye.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

My day

Hey bloggers,

Sorry I didn't write last night I was really busy. But yesterday when I got up I asked my mom to call my friend so now she is at my house. We made a restraunt in the kitchen too it was cool. Anyways thats all write again tomorrow bye.

Friday, January 15, 2010


Hey bloggers,

Hey sorry about the other post I presses enter on accident. Anyways I wanted to show you this pic.



My day

Hey bloggers,

Hey everybody I stayed home sick today but I don't think I am sick anymore. P.S. I am not. Anyways I took a shower today and did dishes thats manely all. o and i watched TV anyways thats all for today o and one more thing i want to here from you guys if there are anyone who reads this so comment and tell me how yourr days are.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

my day

Hey bloggers,

Today I was sick again so I stayed home from school I have a cold. They stink! Anyways my day kinda went like this... I woke up cleaned the kitchen ( that is the only thing that makes me feel better) and after that I did dishes after that I just chilled and ate breakfast. When I was done eating breakfast I did my math. P.S. I didn't finish when I was done with my math I just chilled for the rest of the day anyways thats all write again tomorrow bye.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Hey bloggers,

Today had a bad start to it. In the morning I got up to go to school then I almost threw up and stayed home. Then I went back in my room and read my Twilight book and after that I fell to sleep watching " Factory Made " and when I woke up I was watching the same thing and after that I did some dishes and went on the computer thats all write again tomorrow bye.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

my day

Hey bloggers,

Today was wierd. Today something happend that was so bad I can't even say. But other than that I had a good day. After school I was stuck at my dads job I just got back this second. Anyways thats all for today write again soon bye.


Hey bloggers,

Sorry I didn't write yesterday but I was buzy I will not be writing on sundays anyways yesterday went like... In the morning I got to school right on time and during reccess we play this cool game on our big red slide and there are 4 people total but one person has to be the shark or whatever you want to call it but thay have to pull the person down the slide while the other 2 hold on to them it is actually really fun anyways thats all write again soon bye.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

My day

Hey bloggers,

Today was great! I went to a baby shower and after that I went to my friends house I am actually there right now. Anyways thats really all that happened today anyways bye write agtain soon.

Friday, January 8, 2010


Hey bloggers,

Today was horrible it was our spelling bee. I got through the practise round but I got out on the first word in the real thing.
Other than that today was kinda good. I got picked up like 10 minuts earlyer than usual. So that was good.Anyways thats all for today write again tomorrow bye.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

The big performance!

Hey bloggers,

Today was a really good day! Today i got to school at 8 and went to class then we did Bible and the math and after that we went on a field trip to the UNLV orcestra performance it was lovely!
And after that I got to go home and shop. It was a very good day not that much happened today exept that. Tomorrow is my spelling bee wish me luck anyways thats all. Write again soon bye.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Hey bloggers,

Today was good but not great. I had a good day in school and all but after school I had to stay in after care. But... after when I got picked up I went home and watched santa buddies! I liked it it was cute but... the effects were kinda lame but anyways other than that my day was good. Anyways thats all for today bye.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Hey bloggers,

I know it is the same day and all but... I wanted to share a pic of my cat with you ( he is a nut).

My day

Hey bloggers,

Today was fine but I was tired the whole day. I have a spelling bee on frieday and I am kinda nervous. They are doing it after lunch so i might upchuck infront of everybody. Anyways the person i was talking about yesterday is getting better at being social. So I am doing good. Today me and some of the girls had a little fight because i didn't want to play a game with them anymore because i got burned when we played with too many people. So we all got along after that. Anyways that is my day. I will write again tomorrow. But for now bye.

Monday, January 4, 2010

I know

Dear readers,

I know it is the same day but i have one more thing to say... this guy i am talking about is a random dude too. He says this at just the rong time. Anyways I might not be on for a week or so.. just until Friday. It is so hard getting through the school day the only reason i can live through this day is because i can't wait to right about it when I get home. Anyways i am done for the night. I will write again soon. But for now bye.

My day

Hi everyone,

I am new at this so hope the best for me. Anyways i will be talking about my days and how they are. So here it gose... Today this anouing kid (can't say name) thought it was so dang funny that he could make his ruler talk. ha ha very funny. It is so wierd for me i mean he is kinda wierd but not like wierdo man. I sit next to him. Any edvise?