Thursday, April 15, 2010


Hey everybody,

I am starting a club for raising money to give to dogs in need and i want to tell you guys alittle tips on what you can do to stop animal cruelty,

1.Set up a little found and save money and give that money to charity's for dogs and animals.

2.If you are a girl and you buy make up make sure it is not tested on animals and if it is don't buy it!

3.Don't ever use real fur because animals have to suffer just for you to look cool thats not right.

4.Whenever you see a stray animal (with parental permission) call a no kill shelter (you can look up the phone number for them online.)

Those are simple things you can do to help animals. And the most important rule of all is never say one person can change the wold cause your rong. I'll write again tomorrow bye.

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