Monday, January 25, 2010


Hey bloggers,

Doing homework ( I am sneaking on again) anyways today was kinda good I wasn't feeling good so I left at 2:00 P.M. So that was good. I couldn't eat my lunch because it smelt and tasted like rubber. I am doing my spelling definitions so I have to go. I want you guys to do me a favor you guys write to me telling me your day anyways write again soon bye.

P.S. any idea's where I should have my b-day party?


  1. hey im zach,and well my day was tiring just alot of drawing during class and getting introuble(not suppost to draw in a test)well i wouldnt think you would what to go to chucke cheeses might be a little old for that.uuuummm....... im not that good with parties well check out my blog if you ever get to it

  2. oohh....ya...forgot my blog is

  3. Can't tell you how my day was because it's 11:30am here and I just got out of bed :P

  4. I had my party at the rollor skating ring zck and your right i am a little too old for chucky cheese i will definetly check out your site

  5. hey zach i checked out your blog and it was amazing i didn't know u could draw like that
