Monday, March 15, 2010


Hey bloggers,

I know I know I havn't been on in about a month. But... Since then these are the things that have happened...

1.My Birthday

2.I have talked to my friend and my old neighbors that moved

3.I did my famous americans project (I shaked the whole time I was reading it)

4.We found a cat that comes around our neighborhood (not sure if it is stray or not)

So ya alot well maby not alot. I finally decided where to have me birthday like 3 weeks before my birthday. Guess where... Cristal Palace roler skating ring i loved it but some older dude kept tripping us. So thats pretty much it i will write again on Saturday ok.


  1. thanks for the comment,havent been on for awhile either and happy [late] birthday lol
    nice talkin to ya
    bye bye,
    zach d.

  2. Hi emily its you ex bestest friend in the world....HI

  3. and sumdumgirl stop trying to talk to me
