Sunday, September 26, 2010


Hey Everybody,

I know I havn't written on here for a long, long, long time... but, I have alot to talk about so lets get started... First, I have started with makeup and I am really good at it I will post some pictures if you want just leave a comment and request them you can request pictures of... lipstick, lipgloss, blush, facial products, eye shadows (single or quads), or nail polish ok so that is that. Next I have started my year of 5th grade!! I am so happy I am almost in middle school (one reason I can wear makeup there) so I am really happy and the best part is... no weird boys like last year so... YAY!!! Next is I am painting my nails more often I try to paint them to match as many alfits as I can but it is hard so ya. Next is I made new friends at school and one of them moved back to her old school 2 weeks into the school year me and my other freind were so upset :(. Next is we have finally settled into our new home and I am so exited, BUT... we will be moving at the end of the school year and not just to a new home but... TO A NEW STATE!!!!!! I really don't want to but we might have to so ya. So that is pretty much it. I promis I will be writing on here more often so if I were you I would check her like every 2 days so ya thank you guys so much for being here and supporting me and if you have any comments or you want me to check out your site leave them in the comments below and I promise I will respond within 2 days thank you guys and have a nice day... BYE!

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