Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Long Time No Write!

Hey everybody I know it has been a long time since i am writen on this blog but i have been busy with other blogs, swimming, shopping, and since it is summer... sleep overs! So as you can tell I reallt haven't had the time. But if you wanna visit my other blogs one is and the other is so I have to keep up to date with those blogs cause they are newer. But for now on I am gonna be trying to write on all of my blogs. And as I have told you guys I have moved so I now have a swimming pool and I will be there alot and alot of my sleep overs end in disasters so I will definetly be telling you about that and well that is it. I am starting a new school this year! I am really not happy cause I am starting another school and I don't know anybody their! The last 2 schools I have been to I really wasn't so scared because I knew at least 1 persn there but not this time... I am gonna be lonely! :{ So wish me luck. I am also very busy with a club I started to help animals in need and I just want to say everyone that reads this should be against animal abuse! And if you dont I hate you!!!! Thats all that has been happining lately so I will write again soon ( maby ) BYE!