Thursday, May 6, 2010


Hey bloggers,

Whats happining with you? Well with me everything is fine, exept... MY PARENTS WONT TAKE ME SWIMMING!!!! If you live in NV it is a crime not to swim whenever you have the oppertunity! Other than that everything is great... Ever since I moved to a new house everything has changed I mean... my habits have changed. It is so wierd I guess my life is starting to straitin out. I am worried that I have no readers, because I rarly ever have comments. If their is no one reading than I will stop writing... it just takes up time. I have decided to stop ending my blogs with " write again soon bye" so for now on I will leave a question or just kinda a mistery. Me and my friend are like spies (sorry if I spelled spies wrong.) Their is a bush outside of my house and their are little white things on it and my friend (and grandma) thought they were flowwer buds, well... the stuff that was actually on the bushes was a foam kinda stuff that feels like spit me and my friend took a sample. Any idea what it is?

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Hey guys!

Whats up people,

Hey everybody. I just moved their is a comunity pool here too and it is warm out so swim, swim, swim! I am having a blast, but I moved away from my friend and her sister but I moved next to so many of my new friends. Well nothing new, I am going to a new school next year so... well... BLA!!!!! Well that is it write again soon bye.