Saturday, February 27, 2010

My Day

Hey bloggers,

Whats up people I am having a blast working on my famous americans report... not. This is really boring I hate this well how are you guys comment I havn't been getting any comments and I am getting worried you arent going on and I am loosing you.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

My day

Hey bloggers,

Whats up people. I have a cold I have been home sick for the last 2 days. So I really just want to go to school tomorrow. Its is almost famous american time and I havn't evan started yet ugggg! I am in soooooo much trouble this is a big part of my grade. Anyways thats all write again soon.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

my day

Hello bloggers,

Hey whats up sorry it has been a while since my last blog I have been busy with famouse americans report. (So nurvous) Anyways I wanted to tell you guys that my birthday is coming in march (can't tell day) but I am so exited. I finally found out where I am having it... Lazer quest. Anyways thats all for today bye.

P.S. My email is if anyone wants to ask me questions I will answer them personally.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


I can't believe the saints won !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hoped for the colts.

My day

Hey bloggers,

Ok so I was on and my friend showed me this game called belly flop hero you guys have to try it. INSTRUCTIONS: 1. go to
2. when you get there look on the left hand side and click
on fun.
3. look for belly flop hero
4. click on it
5. have fun!

Hope you guys like the game I tried to put it on the site but I am having problems anywyas enjoy.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My day

Hey bloggers,

Hey people whats up just to tell you for now on I wont be checking my blog every day every 2 to 3 days. Anyways today we had our speech meet I lost of course. A speech meet is where your teacher gives you a certain amount of days to memorize a poem and you have to say it is front of the class. We had to do "The Secret of Happiness" by: Helen Steiner Rice. It was easy but when you get up in front of the class is gets harder. The good thing is we got a participation grade so I got 100%! Anyways thats all write again soon bye.